
an inline telegram robot to easy access and search in torob.com products from telegram.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


a telegram bot to crawl and scrape data from torob.com and display them in the telegram.


clone the repository and go to the repo directory, then do as following :

Configuration :

copy the .env-sample file to .env and replace the following values :

  • TOKEN :
    get your bot token from BotFather (or if you don't have, make one there). then put it in the TOKEN

  • PROXY :
    if you want to use proxy to connect to the telegram, put your proxy url like the following :

    • PROXY = 'socks5://' : socks5 proxy
    • #PROXY=None : leave it with comment for non-proxy (or remove the line)

Run Using Docker

this robot is dockerized and you can easily run it with docker compose :

docker compose up --build -d

Manually Run

install the requirements :

pip install -r requirements.txt

finally run the program :

set -o allexport && source .env && set +o allexport
python bot.py