This repository demonstrates how to create a persistent bottom navigation bar in your Flutter app, ensuring consistency across different pages without relying on external packages. It also implements nested routes and navigation, offering the most straightforward approach.
- 22388o@Bitcoin / @AreaLayer / @Horus-Org / @FrostDevKit
- academiciASTU
- Amr9958
- attalariq123Telkom University
- bigusd61Bitcoin. Come
- cadrimirandaFlorianópolis - Santa Catarina
- codriotBalıkesir / Türkiye
- doganoguz@Herofly-LLC
- erfanbanaeiIran , Tehran
- gaoypChina
- HajarSalamahDeveloperfreelancer
- jonasermertsciendis GmbH
- kilamaelie@Freelancer
- marcogermani87Panservice
- Mott4Pé de Serra - BA
- RakhimjonIMV Axborot Texnologilari Markazi
- RemindPan
- shravanramvKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- SophrinixAmerican Binary
- specter-hafizGhana
- turediogluİstanbul / Turkiye