Facilitate automatic scrolling of the listView in a Flutter application when the active tab bar changes. 🔄 Simultaneously, ensure that the selected tab remains synchronized as the user scrolls through the list. 📜🔗
- ahmedas3dCairo-Egypt
- akabhinavv3Jaipur
- am1994Dune Technology
- antonyaiwinErnakulam, Kerala, India
- AnZiXi
- ArmanulHaqueTanvirDhaka , Bangladesh
- AshekboyNigeria, Lagos
- atish-punPokhara, Nepal
- aydingolmohammadi
- ceydaucdirhemFreelancer
- elyassalahJordan
- gaoypChina
- GnuaAruhtYangon, Myanmar
- Gxaasec
- He9sham
- HuseynveliyevWorking with @Flutter
- Ikyrillos@toctive-com
- kisharoraNew Delhi
- lucass-coder
- mahmood541996
- marcogermani87Panservice
- MrNIMA87Iran, Mashhad
- plopezbarbosaLoba Tech Ltd.
- Safin9Iraq,Duhok
- safvanmc
- tech-andgarColombia
- ZahaanMahajan
- zoelounge