Primary LanguagePython


Bonyad Meli Nokhbegan Project

Application for Object Detection

Development Team :

Mobina Mosannafat

Fatemeh Taherinezhad

Amir Hossein Khodabandelo

Amir Hossein Babaeayan (Head)

Research Team :

Mahsa Bahrami

Arash Ghorbani

Ali Javidani (Head)

Supervisor :

Dr, Hassan Khotanlo

Last Update : 04-08-2021

About application

This application is a UI for better work with image processing algorithms (Foreign object detection and Level detection)

This program is implemented with the help of PyQt5 Library and by QT creator platform in python

The program has five parts:

  1. Main Page: In this part, you can see the daily statistics of pass and fail of products and condition of the devices. Also, at any moment, the original product and its ditected image are displayed with the status of the pass or fail, And if the level is detected, its percentage is displayed.

  2. Statistics page: This page has 3 parts: A)Main part where daily statistics are displayed in the form of two graphs. B)A page for statistics by product type. C)A time-based statistics page that also includes a bar chart.

3.DataBase page: On this page, you can edit user and product information, as well as add a new user or product or user or delete them.

4.Settings: To edit user information by the factory manager and select the product and algorithm to be produced on the production line, go to this page.

5.Help page: Contains information for working with the application


A number of Python packages and MySQL workbench

How to use

Run the program with the following command line and then enter enter a username and password that exists on the database in the login page.

python index.py