
Binding C++ to PyTorch and extending PyTorch

Primary LanguagePython

Extending Torch and binding C++ function

We can extend the autograd operation in both Python and C++ which is discussed in folders example_extend_in_python and example_load_multifile_cpp.

To bind C++ to Python, we can use just-in-time (JIT) method. For this purpose, we write our functions in C++ and at the end of the C++ file, we define the functions that need to be wrapped using pybind11 as

TORCH_LIBRARY(module_name, m) {
  m.def("name_of_function_in_python", &name_of_function_in_cpp);  

Then, we load C++ files as

from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load
module = load(

and now, we can call the created function as

add = torch.ops.module_name.name_of_function_in_python
