
This repository contains files of a movies recommender system with web UI for a Artificial Intelligence course at Tehran Polytechnic.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains files of a movies recommender system with web UI for a Artificial Intelligence course at Tehran Polytechnic.

To launch and use the project and use it, follow steps below:

  1. Install these python libraries globaly on your system: 'numpy', 'pandas', 'nltk', 'ast' and 'scikit-learn'.
  2. Open "datasets.txt" file. It contains a google drive link which is datasets of the project. Download them and place them in root of the project. If link doesn't works, contact me my email
  3. Open "Main.ipynb" notebook file and run all cells. It should run without any errors.
  4. After above step, now two files should be saved on project root. "filmNames.csv" and "trainedModelMat.csv". if they aren't there, find the problem and solve it.
  5. Now open "index.html" file and wait. after model is prepaerd, you can use the app.