
The project is use identity for authorization

Primary LanguageC#


The project is use identity for authorization

User Service

The UserService class is a part of the BookStore application and provides functionality for managing users. It uses the UserManager<ApplicationUser> class from the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity namespace for user-related operations.


  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity: This namespace provides the UserManager<TUser> class for managing users.
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore: This namespace is used for working with Entity Framework Core and accessing the user database.


The UserService class has a constructor that accepts an instance of the UserManager<ApplicationUser> class. The UserManager is used to perform user-related operations such as creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting users.

public UserService(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
    _userManager = userManager;

CreateAsync Method

The CreateAsync method is used to create a new user. It takes a CreateUserDto object as a parameter, which contains the user's information such as username, email, password, etc. The method performs the following steps:

  1. Creates a new ApplicationUser instance and sets its properties based on the provided CreateUserDto.
  2. Performs validation checks on the user object and password.
  3. Calls _userManager.CreateAsync to create the user using the UserManager.
  4. Calls _userManager.AddToRoleAsync to assign the "User" role to the newly created user.
  5. Collects any errors that occur during the creation process and converts them into ValidationError objects.

GetAllAsync Method

The GetAllAsync method retrieves all users from the database and returns a list of GetAllUserDto objects. It performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves a list of ApplicationUser objects using _userManager.Users.ToListAsync.
  2. Checks if there are any users found. If not, adds a ValidationError indicating that no registered users exist.
  3. Maps the ApplicationUser objects to GetAllUserDto objects and adds them to the usersDto list.
  4. Returns a tuple containing the list of user DTOs and any validation errors.

GetUserById Method

The GetUserById method retrieves a specific user by their ID and returns a GetUserDto object. It performs the following steps:

  1. Validates the provided user ID.
  2. Calls _userManager.FindByIdAsync to retrieve the user by their ID.
  3. Checks if the user is found. If not, adds a ValidationError indicating that the user is null.
  4. Maps the user properties to a GetUserDto object.
  5. Returns a tuple containing the user DTO and any validation errors.

RemoveById Method

The RemoveById method removes a user based on their ID. It takes a RemoveUserDto object as a parameter, which contains the user ID. The method performs the following steps:

  1. Validates the provided RemoveUserDto object and user ID.
  2. Calls _userManager.FindByIdAsync to retrieve the user by their ID.
  3. Checks if the user is found. If found, calls _userManager.DeleteAsync to delete the user.
  4. Collects any errors that occur during the deletion process and converts them into ValidationError objects.

EditById Method

The EditById method updates a user's information based on their ID. It takes an EditUserDto object as a parameter, which contains the updated user information. The method performs the following steps:

  1. Validates the provided EditUserDto object and user ID.
  2. Calls _userManager.FindByIdAsync to retrieve the user by their ID.
  3. Checks if the user is found. If found, updates the user properties based on the provided EditUserDto.
  4. Calls _userManager.UpdateAsync to persist the changes to the user.
  5. Collects any errors that occur during the update process and converts them into ValidationError objects.

This UserService class provides a set of methods for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting users using the UserManager class. It also performs validation checks and converts any errors into ValidationError objects for easier handling.