ReadMe React App

This React application combines Material-UI for styling, Context API for state management, and Formik with Yup for form handling and validation. Additionally, it integrates a mock API using json-server for data interaction.


  • Material-UI: Provides beautiful and responsive components for styling.
  • Context API: Manages global state across components.
  • Formik & Yup: Simplifies form handling and validation.
  • json-server: Sets up a mock API for data manipulation.


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd project
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install


  1. Start the json-server for simulate a restful api using a JSON file:

    npm run json-server
  2. Run the React app:

    npm start
  3. Open the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

Directory Structure

  • components: Contains various React components.
  • context: Manages Context API logic and state.
  • api: Holds the mock API setup with json-server.
  • App.js / index.js: Entry points for the React application.