RunGroops Wep App

what i used in this project

  • i used Entity Framework Core
  • and usid Upload provider to upload images its call FileStack
  • i used Bootstrab

what in there

  • you can add Clubs and Races and users
  • and there user Identity and roles like (user, admin)
  • and modefiy Roles in users
  • and you can Upload images
  • and used HttpClient to upload images with Api Provides me in filestackapi

how to run this App

  • make sqlServer and but Connection string in appSettings
  • SignUp in and but Api, Policy and Signature in appSettings.json
  • and run the project
  • dotnet run --project RunGroopsWebSite
  • and make sure you downlaod .net Sdk

in the end Please Give me a star if you liked this Project