Dolly for SharedPreferences

Dolly is a library that combines 2 types of sharedPreferences in one place:
SharedPreferences - Regular sharedPreferences
EncryptedSharedPreferences - AES256 encrypted key:value SharedPreferences

Dolly implements the logic for you, you just need to use it.

Android Arsenal



minSdkVersion 23


Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file):

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }


Add this to your module's build.gradle file (Note: version should match the jitpack badge above)

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.Amit7474:Dolly-SharedPreferences:1.0.0'


Get the instance of Dolly:

Dolly dolly = Dolly.getInstance(context);

Start use Dolly:

dolly.getInt("age", 20, Type.ENCRYPT);


putInt(key, value, type)

store Int values.

dolly.putInt("Age", 23, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.putInt("Age", 20, Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

getInt(key, defaultValue, type)

get Int values.
defaultValue is optional! in case that its not supplied and the key is missing will return -1

dolly.getInt("Age", 5, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.getInt("Age", Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

putBoolean(key, value, type)

store boolean values.

dolly.putBoolean("isSingle", true, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.putBoolean("isSingle", true, Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

getBoolean(key, defaultValue, type)

get Boolean values.
defaultValue is optional! in case that its not supplied and the key is missing will return false

dolly.getBoolean("isSingle", Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.getBoolean("isSingle", true, Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

putFloat(key, value, type)

store float values.

dolly.putFloat("hight", 6, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.putFloat("hight", 8, Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

getFloat(key, defaultValue, type)

get float values.
defaultValue is optional! in case that its not supplied and the key is missing will return -1

dolly.getFloat("hight", 50, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.getFloat("hight", Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

putLong(key, value, type)

store long values.

dolly.putLong("hight", 6, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.putLong("hight", 8, Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

getLong(key, defaultValue, type)

get long values.
defaultValue is optional! in case that its not supplied and the key is missing will return -1

dolly.getLong("hight", 50, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.getLong("hight", Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

putDouble(key, value, type)

store double values.

dolly.putDouble("length", 6.5, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.putDouble("hight",10.0, Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

getDouble(key, defaultValue, type)

get double values.
defaultValue is optional! in case that its not supplied and the key is missing will return -1

dolly.getDouble("hight", 50, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.getDouble("hight", Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

putString(key, value, type)

store string values.

dolly.putString("name", "Dani", Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.putString("name","Dani", Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

getString(key, defaultValue, type)

get string values.
defaultValue is optional! in case that its not supplied and the key is missing will return "null"

dolly.getString("hight", "null", Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.getString("hight", Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

putStringSet(key, value, type)

store string set values.

Set<String> set = new Set();
dolly.putStringSet("set", set, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.putStringSet("set",set, Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

getStringSet(key, defaultValue, type)

get string values.
defaultValue is optional! in case that its not supplied and the key is missing will return null

dolly.getStringSet("set", null, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.getStringSet("set", Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

putJsonObject(key, value, type)

store JSONObject values.

JSONObject obj = new JSONObject;
obj.put("name", "Dani");
dolly.putJsonObject("json", obj, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.putJsonObject("json",obj, Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

getJsonObject(key, defaultValue, type)

get JSONObject values.
defaultValue is optional! in case that its not supplied and the key is missing will return null

dolly.getJsonObject("json", null, Type.ENCRYPT);
dolly.getJsonObject("json", Type.NOT_ENCRYPT);

remove(key, type)

use this to remove a key:value pair from storage.
It will remove ONLY from the storage that you specify! (ENCRYPT/NPT_ENCRYPT)

dolly.remove("name", Type.ENCRYPT);


checks if a key is already stored in storage (BOTH encrypt/not encrypt) .



Clears the entire storage (BOTH encrypt/not encrypt) .



Copyright (C) 2020, Amit kremer

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.