
The Martian Messenger : Developed 2D Game using Greenfoot. Implemented Gang of Four Patterns such as Observer, State, Strategy, Chain of Responsibility and Prototype

Primary LanguageJava

The Martian Messenger

Amit Bharadia(Implemented Observer Pattern and State Pattern)

  • The following tasks were completed by me:
  • Created User Stories
  • Created UI wireframes
  • Created Class and Activity Diagram
  • Images for Mars and Rover
  • Implemented the logic for the upating score and Life.
  • Integrated code and testing the game.

Dharma Dheeraj Chintala(Implemented Chain of Responsibility and Prototype Pattern)

  • The following tasks were completed by me:
  • Created User Stories
  • Created Use case Diagram and sequence daigram
  • Implemented the logic for the Level upgrade and object creation
  • Images for the Drink and Alien
  • Integrated code and testing the game.

Team’s Sprint Task Sheet


Team's Project ad Video on Youtube


Powerpoint Presentation
