
MERN stack web application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Around the U.S

Application overview

Full stack web application with the following features

  • Registration, Login and logout.
  • Image uploading, deleting and a like feature.
  • Profile editing which including: Edit profile picture, name and about.

Back-End overview

Used technologies

  • Node & Express.
  • MongoDB & Mongoose.

Directories & Files

  • logs request and error logs.
  • app.js main server configuration.
  • lib constants and reusable variables.
  • models mongoose schemas and validations.
  • errors class objects for centralized error handling.
  • helpers non-feature functions or libraries such as limiter for limiting user requests.
  • routes main routing logic with integration of celebrate & Joi libraries for data validation.
  • controllers main in-route logic with the best practice of centralized error handling and promises based db-server communication.
  • middlewares server actions before/after a selected event has happened on the server such as auth for protecting routes and setting for the next operation the current user whom sending the request.

Third party libraries: cors, limiter, helmet, jwt, celebrate, and joi.

Front-End overview

Used technologies

  • React & CSS3

Directories & Files (Inside /src)

  • blocks css blocks separated by components.
  • lib constants and reusable variables.
  • components reusable components that build the app.
  • contexts global state variables for handling a context data fetched from an API.
  • utils reusable functions and classes for mainly implementing authorization, API requests and simple error handling.

Third party libraries: Formik and Yup.

Cloud overview

Used technologies

  • GCP, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Nginx, Certbot for HTTPS redirection, and PM2.


  • Back-end: While we are in the remote server, pulling the repository from the main branch and restarting the PM2 engine.
  • Front-End: Building the app locally using npm run build and then copy the files to our remote server via SSH connection.


  • ES6 JavaScript syntax.
  • Test-Driven-Development.
  • REST api implementation.
  • Asynchronous programming.
  • OOP & Component-Oriented-Programming.
  • Centralized error handling for the back end.
  • BEM methodology in the css classification for each component.
