
PR-stats is an open-source python library that brings different functions to bring stats about pull requests.

Primary LanguagePython

PR Stats

Author MIT Contributions welcome Stars

PR-stats is an open-source python library that brings different functions to bring stats about pull requests.

Author: Kazi Amit Hasan

How to get your personal GitHub access token

You can follow the instructions from listed link to obtain such a token. Link: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token

Project Description:

PR stats brings different statistics about pull requests.


pip install pr-stats

Package available at https://pypi.org/project/pr-stats/

How to use:

All stats about pull requests: get_pull_requests("ownername", "reponame", "your_token")

Available features:

  1. id
  2. title
  3. state
  4. created_at
  5. updated_at
  6. closed_at
  7. lifetime_minutes
  8. first_comment_time
  9. first_response_time
  10. user_login
  11. user_name
  12. user_avatar_url
  13. head_ref
  14. head_sha
  15. head_repo_name
  16. base_ref
  17. base_sha
  18. base_repo_name
  19. merged_at
  20. reviewers

How to cite:

urldate = {2023-01-06}, 
publisher={Kazi Amit Hasan}

Future Works:

  1. Add some more automations.

How to contribute:

Any contribution would be highly appreciated. Kindly go through the guidelines for contributing in github.