'iGest Recognito' stands for 'Intelligent Gesture Recognition'. An android application to create a communication media in sign language using Text to Sign conversion and vice-versa. It includes a American Sign Language Keyboard and a media player with American Sign Language (ASL) subtitle feature. It also incorporates an alphabetical gesture pattern recognition feature.
Developed by:
- Keyboard with American Sign Language Layout
- Converter of Voice Input into corresponding Alphabetic and Sign Language Text
- Alphabetic Text to Sign Language Converter
- American Sign Language Tutorial
- Media Player with American Sign Language Subtitle
- Pattern Recognition of Alphabetic Gesture on screen
Check out the youtube video !!
This mobile application has been awarded as Champion at DUITS-ROBI National IT Fest, 2018 (Results) and presented as a poster in International conference on Emerging technologies in data Mining and Information Security(IEMIS), 2018 in Kolkata, India.