
Primary LanguageJavaScript

P256 Signer

This library implements the decoding and verification of a signed Webauthn payload following the EIP 1271 providing an implementation of Standard Signature Validation Method when the account is a smart contract.

Contracts overview


The FCL_Elliptic_ZZ library implements computation of ECDSA verification using the secp256r1 curve.It uses a XYZZ system coordinates. This contract is from here. The original repository also contains tests.


The Webauthn library implements the decoding and verification of a signed Webauthn payload.


The P256Signer contract represents a Gnosis Safe signer for a given secp256r1 public key.


The P256SignerFactory contract is a factory for P256Signers. It allows us to have deterministic addresses for a given secp256r1 public key.


Gnosis chain audit: https://gnosischain.notion.site/p256-signer-Audit-a9e7807bc9dd4a768d0f78e3919d3eac

We've updated our contracts following the audit's recommandations, see deployments: cometh-hq#23

Signature malleability

Clients need to note there is a potential signature malleability by replacing (r, s) by (r, -s mod n). It is the responsibility of the client to check the message signed is played only once if necessary.

Launch tests

You will need INFURA_ID=<your_infura_id> in your env variables.
You will need forge installed, see foundry book for instructions here.

Install FCL dependency:

forge install

To launch both hardhat and forge tests:

yarn test


npx hardhat test


forge test


HARDHAT_NETWORK=<target_network> npx hardhat deploy