Manage your tasks like never before with this productivity hack. Currently the app is deployed on netlify and can be used from there.(see How to use?)
How to install?
- Clone the repository using
git clone https://github.com/AmitT98/task-ledger
- Browse to the folder and install the necessary modules using
npm install
- Run the server using
npm run dev
How to use?
- Install locally or go to https://task-ledger.netlify.app/
- Type the task id, short description and duration of the task.
- Click add task or press enter
- Click the task to start timer individually.
- The task for which the duration has expired appear on the left, and can be modified by clicking on them.
- To clear all tasks click clear all task button.
Note: Tasks will persist even when you close the session.
Project Roadmap
- Create a basic task tracking webpage to add tasks with three fields, id, short description and duration.
- Tasks should not get deleted when session is closed.
- Create a method to clear all the tasks in one go.
- Add functionality to set duration for each task, post which they become expired unless cleared.
- Indicate the health of each task by red and green spectrum,
$red = 1 - green = timeLeft/duration$ - Add the ability to add expired task to current set of task.
- Add a section for completed tasks.
- Allow user to clear only the completed tasks.
- Add a functionality to display expiry time for the tasks that have been started by user.
- Show a small dashboard that tells user's productivity by calculating,
$100*(1 - expiredTasks/totalTasks)$ - Add the ability to sign off each task with a note.