Pinned Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Welcome to my college studies repository! This repository is a dedicated space where I curate and share my coursework, code, and learning materials related to a variety of subjects I'm studying in college. Whether you're a fellow student or someone interested in topics like Data Structures, Algorithms, OOPs, Operating Systems etc
Welcome to my GitHub repository dedicated to interview preparation! This repository serves as my coding and learning playground as I gear up for technical interviews in the tech industry. Here, I document my journey as I explore and master various topics, including data structures, algorithms, basic mathematics, object oriented programming etc.
Welcome to your go-to resource for acing coding interviews! This repository is packed with LeetCode questions sorted by topic, along with easy-to-understand explanations of topics.
AmiteshVerma24's Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Welcome to my college studies repository! This repository is a dedicated space where I curate and share my coursework, code, and learning materials related to a variety of subjects I'm studying in college. Whether you're a fellow student or someone interested in topics like Data Structures, Algorithms, OOPs, Operating Systems etc
Welcome to my GitHub repository dedicated to interview preparation! This repository serves as my coding and learning playground as I gear up for technical interviews in the tech industry. Here, I document my journey as I explore and master various topics, including data structures, algorithms, basic mathematics, object oriented programming etc.
Welcome to your go-to resource for acing coding interviews! This repository is packed with LeetCode questions sorted by topic, along with easy-to-understand explanations of topics.