In this workshop, we'll cover the basics of adding infrastructure components to a web application, In particular, we will focus on using redis to construct basic infrastructure components, such as a cache and queue, and intergrating them into a web application.
Part 1. Setup and Overview ⬅️
Part 2. Using express and redis
Part 3. Using caches and queues in
Note: This video has lots of extra bloopers, so hopefully, that will help you adopt strategies on how to get unstuck!
Import this as a notebook or clone this repo locally. Also, ensure you install latest version of docable!
docable-server import
Create a new virtual machine that will be configured with redis and node.js:
bakerx run
Note: Run
bakerx ssh
to connect to the virtual machine.
You will be using redis server and node-redis client to build some simple infrastructure components:
const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient(6379, '');
In general, you can run all the redis commands in the following manner: client.CMD(args)
. For example:
client.set("key", "value");
client.get("key", function(err,value){ console.log(value)});
🎯 You can interactively run redis commands using the redis-cli
program. Try it out!
📜 We'll use the node-redis client api to do the same task. Run the following script!
const redis = require("redis");
// Prepare client connection
let client = redis.createClient(6379, '', { connect_timeout: 5000 });
// Set and retrieve a key
client.set( "hello", "redis", (err, res) => {
console.log(`Set: "hello" => ${res}`);
client.get("hello", (err, res) => {
console.log( `Get: "hello" => "${res}"`);
// Terminate client connection (otherwise we'd hang)
In this workshop we use express to make a simple web server:
let server = app.listen(3003, function () {
const host = server.address().address;
const port = server.address().port;
console.log(`Example app listening at http://${host}:${port}`);
Express uses the concept of routes to use pattern matching against requests and sending them to specific functions. You can simply write back a response body:
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.send('hello world')
🎯 Try it out!
From our host machine, change into cd basics
, and then npm install.
We will then start the server with node index.js
🌏 Visit the web server on http://localhost:3003/ in another tab or click the Reload button to load the server:
<iframe id="serviceFrameSend" src="http://localhost:3003/" width="800" height="200" frameborder="1"></iframe>When you are done, use Control+C to stop the server.
We will get more hands on practice with express and redis in, Part 2. Using express and redis.