Please don't take effort to create pull requests for new algorithms/data structures. This is just a curiosity-driven personal hobby and was originally not intended to be a library. Feel free fork and modify to fit your need if that's what you are looking for. You can, however, open issues/fix bugs with pull requests here, I would be happy to take a look when I get time
Advanced Algorithms
Various important computer science algorithms generically implemented in C#.
Install by nuget
For beta releases on beta branch
Install-Package Advanced.Algorithms -Pre
Not a stable release yet.
- .Net Standard 1.0 or above
- .Net Framework 4.0 or above
Development environment
- Visual Studio Code as IDE for .NET core
- Visual Studio 2017 as IDE for .NET framework/.NET core
Mac OS
- Visual Studio Code as IDE for .NET core
- Visual Studio 2017 as IDE for Mono
- Visual Studio Code as IDE for .NET core
- Mono develop as IDE for Mono
Data structures
- Array list (dynamic array) (implementation | Tests)
- Skip list (implementation | Tests)
- HashSet (using separate chaining optionally with open address linear probing) (implementation | tests)
- Ordered HashSet (implementation | tests)
- Dictionary (using separate chaining optionally with open address linear probing) (implementation | tests)
- Ordered Dictionary (implementation | tests)
- Stack (using dynamic array and optionally using singly linked list) (implementation | tests)
- Queue (using dynamic array and optionally using doubly linked list) (implementation | tests)
- Priority queue (implementation | tests)
Linked list
- Singly linked list (implementation | tests)
- Doubly linked list (implementation | tests)
- Circular linked list (implementation | tests)
- Binary heap (implementation | tests)
- d-ary heap (implementation | tests)
- Binomial heap (implementation | tests)
- Fibonacci heap (implementation | tests)
- Pairing heap (implementation | tests)
Note: It is observed that among the implementations here, in practice, with the exclusion of UpdateKey (decrement/increment) operation, regular Binary Heap & d-ary Heap outperforms other in theory superiors. Likely because it doesn't have pointer juggling overhead and hey arrays are faster!
- Tree (implementation | tests)
- Binary tree (implementation | tests)
Binary search trees
- Binary search tree (implementation | tests)
- AVL tree (implementation | tests)
- Red black tree (implementation | tests)
- Splay tree (implementation | tests)
- Treap tree (implementation | tests)
B trees (database trees)
- B-tree (implementation | tests)
- B+ tree (implementation | tests)
Queryable trees
- Segment tree (implementation | tests)
- Binary indexed tree (Fenwick tree) (implementation | tests)
- Multi-dimensional interval tree (implementation | tests) using nested red-black tree
- Multi-dimensional k-d tree (implementation | tests) for range and nearest neigbour queries
- Multi-dimensional range tree (implementation | tests) using nested red-black tree
- R-tree (implementation | tests)
- Quadtree (implementation | tests)
TODO: Support multi-dimentional segment tree & binary indexed tree.
Lookup trees
- Prefix tree (Trie) (implementation | tests)
- Suffix tree (implementation | tests)
- Ternary search tree (implementation | tests)
TODO: implement trie compression.
- Disjoint set (implementation | tests)
- Sparse set (implementation | tests)
- Bloom filter (implementation | tests)
Adjacency list
- Graph (implementation | tests)
- Weighted Graph (implementation | tests)
- DiGraph (implementation | tests)
- Weighted DiGraph (implementation | tests)
Adjacency matrix
- Graph (implementation | tests)
- Weighted Graph (implementation | tests)
- DiGraph (implementation | tests)
- Weighted DiGraph (implementation | tests)
Graph algorithms
Articulation points
- Tarjan's articulation points finder (implementation | tests)
- Tarjan's bridge finder (implementation | tests)
- Kosaraju's strongly connected component finder (implementation | tests)
- Tarjan's strongly connected component finder (implementation | tests)
- Tarjan's bi-connected graph tester (implementation | tests)
- M-coloring (implementation | tests)
- Min vertex cover (implementation | tests)
Maximum flow
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm (implementation | tests)
- Edmonds Karp's improvement (implementation | tests) on Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- Push relabel algorithm (implementation | tests)
Shortest path
- Bellman-Ford algorithm (implementation | tests)
- Dijikstra's algorithm (implementation | tests) using Fibonacci heap.
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm (implementation | tests)
- Johnson's algorithm (implementation | tests)
- Travelling salesman path (implementation | tests)
- A* search algorithm (implementation | tests) using Fibonacci heap.
- Max bipartite matching (implementation | tests) using Edmonds Karp's improved Ford Fulkerson max flow algorithm
- Max bipartite matching (implementation | tests) using Hopcroft Karp algorithm
- Minimum cut (implementation | tests) using Edmonds Karp's improved Ford Fulkerson max flow algorithm
- Cycle detection (implementation | tests)
- Depth first (implementation | tests)
- Breadth first (implementation | tests)
- Bi-directional (implementation | tests)
Topological sort
- Depth first method (implementation | tests)
- Kahn's algorithm (implementation | tests)
Minimum spanning tree
- Kruskal's algorithm (implementation | tests) using merge sort and disjoint set
- Prim's algorithm (implementation | tests)
- Manacher's algorithm for linear time longest palindrome (implementation | tests)
Pattern matching
- Rabin-Karp string search (implementation | tests)
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt (KMP) string search (implementation | tests)
- Z algorithm for string search (implementation | tests)
- Huffman coding (implementation | tests)
Sorting and searching
- Binary search (implementation | tests)
- Quick select for kth smallest/largest in unordered collection using median of medians (implementation | tests)
- Majority element using Boyer-Moore voting algorithm (implementation | tests)
Sorting algorithms
- Bubble sort (implementation | tests)
- Insertion sort (implementation | tests)
- Selection sort (implementation | tests)
- Shell sort (implementation | tests)
- Tree sort (implementation | tests)
- Quick sort (implementation | tests)
- Heap sort (implementation | tests)
- Merge sort (implementation | tests)
- Bucket sort (implementation | tests)
- Radix sort (implementation | tests)
- Counting sort (implementation | tests)
Note: On a decent desktop, in given implementations here for +ive random input integers, the clear winner is counting sort (~0.1 seconds to sort 1 million integers) followed by Radix Sort (~0.4 seconds). Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Quick Sort & Bucket Sort are all winners for +ive & -ive random integer inputs. Tree sort has pointer juggling overhead on backing Red-Black Tree, so performs 8 times slower than Merge Sort in practice. Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort & Shell Sort are among the worst for random input as observed from results.
- Permutations (implementation | tests)
- Combinations (implementation | tests)
- Subsets (implementation | tests)
Distributed Systems
- Circular queue (ring buffer) (implementation | tests)
- Consistant hash (implementation | tests)
- LRU cache (implementation | tests)
- Asynchronous producer–consumer queue (implementation | tests)
Numerical methods
- Check primality (implementation | tests)
- Generate primes using sieve of Eratosthenes (implementation | tests)
- Fast exponentiation (implementation | tests)
Geometry (in 2D)
- Convex hull using gift wrapping algorithm (implementation | tests)
- Line intersection (implementation | tests)
- Closest point pair (implementation | tests)
- Check if given point inside polygon (implementation | tests)
- Rectangle intersection (implementation | tests)
- Point rotation (implementation | tests)
- Line interesections with Bentley-Ottmann sweep line algorithm using red-black tree and binary minimum heap (implementation | tests)
Bit manipulation
- Base conversion (implementation | tests)
- Calculate logarithm (base 2 & 10) (implementation | tests)
- GCD (implementation | tests)