Authenticating Users quickly with the help of FAST-API and Token Authentication
- Here the most important thing is that this repo is only for learning purpose...Whenever you create the back-end of your application never share your
with others....and make the repo asPRIVATE
. - I have created a fake database with data of only 1 can integrate a database to store the values of multiple Users.
- Also I have used Swagger UI of FAST-API....for a better understanding and Demonstration.
- You can take the username and password from the user while signing him/her up in frontend....and if the username and password match with the username & password stored in the database....the User will be provided the access Token.
- Then for each request user needs to attach this access token to get a response.
- fast API - pip install fastapi
- uvicorn - pip install uvicorn[standard]
- python-multipart - pip install python-multipart
- python-jose - pip install python-jose[cryptography]
- passlib - pip install passlib[brcypt]
- I have used the OpenSSL to generate the SECRET_KEY
- Observe I haven't stored the hashed password for the user with username = "Amman"...that's why it doesn't matter what password you use to authorize it won't authenticate...
- Then suppose I am manually storing the password for the time being....let's say the password is "amman123"...then our database will store the hash value of this I have hashed this password using the specific algorithm.
- Then if I use this password while logging in will authenticate....and we will be given the access Token.
- Then after this I demonstrated the other things you can do with this code.