Coded by: Ammar Ahmed
Baby Yoda has been kidnapped by the evil dragon 'Drakon'. Save him by killing the bad dragon.
- You have a hero whom you can control and you have to cross the obstacles and reach the boss to defeat him
- You have 5 lives
- You loose a life on colliding with the obstacle
- You loose a life on getting hit by dragonballs
- You loose the game if the time gets over
- The boss has 50 lives
- There is a shield which can be used for 10 seconds in the game. once you use it you can only use it after 60 secs
- Collect coins to increse your score +1
- A and D for horizontal movement
- W to actvate jetpack
- P to toggle the speed of the game (can be used only 6 times)
- K to activate shield
- Space bar to shoot bullets
The board array (numpy) which contains the entire game. It is a 45*width_of_the_scree matrix. Board has the main while true loop of the game
Beam like structures appear as obstacles. There are three kinds of beams: horizontal, vertical and some at 45 ◦ with the ground/platform. The hero must ensure to not collide with these beams, else he will lose a life. He can use his blaster to shoot at them and clear his way.
A magnet appears on the way, which will influence the motion of the hero. So if he is in the range of the magnet, he would be continuously attracted towards the magnet.
The boss enemy shall appear in the end. The boss enemy a flying dragon that adjusts its position according to the player. It throws ice balls aimed at the hero, which you must dodge.
These are the weapons of the hero and the dragon respectivly.
- Python3 with the following modules installed
- numpy
- colorama
For Linux:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3
+-- dragon.txt