
Create an Android app for modern devices that queries a web service and displays the results, where the user can search for repositories on GitHub.

Primary LanguageKotlin



Create an Android app for modern devices that queries a web service and displays the results, where the user can search for repositories on GitHub.

Key highlights

  • A simple but challenging task, written in Kotlin and…

    • ConstraintLayout
    • RecyclerView
    • CardView
    • Binding
    • MVVM
    • LiveData, MutableLiveData
    • androidx.ViewModel
    • Coroutines
    • Retrofit
    • OkHTTP
    • Gson, Converters
    • Koin Dependency Injection
    • Glide
    • Git version control
  • Fetch data from GitHub API v3

  • Preserve data between two state (Portrait / landscape


Task Solution
Search Layout ConstraintLayout, EditText, ImageButton
Display repositories list ProgressBar, RecyclerView, RecyclerAdapter, Implement Diffutil.Itemcallback
Design item layout (Avatar, name, desc) CardView Contains ConstraintLayout Has ImageView And 2 TextView
Preserve state Save Data in Both Portrait / Landscape Mode.
Assert internet access Handle By NetworkHelper Class
If offline Toast With Text Of “No Internet Connection”
If empty search query Toast With Text Of “Invalid Name”
On item click Browse For Github Repository Page.
After populate data in list Hide Keyboard



Light Night
Light Night


Light Night
Light Night