
Read factorio mesage server log to activate Bash script to restart server on new map or go back a save. If an admin sends a specific message the server will respond within 10 seconds.

Primary LanguagePython

GNU/Linux Factorio Command Integration

Run a server and send commands to the server from within the game chat feature!

How it Works

By chatting a command in a game chat such as:

[CHAT] Real_Laroy: ~reset

The Python script that runs when the game starts will check the log every 2 seconds to see if there is a command an admin sent in there!

Once it has figured out if the admin has sent a command it will then find out what command it is and run bash scripts to manage the server!


Type these commands in-game as a player in factorio!

#Stops factorio and python script
#Stops factorio, deletes saves, creates new map, starts
#Goes back to last autosave
#Undo last ~back and go back to current (only saves one back)

Follow Along

Usefull Video but don't write his bash scripts such as stop.sh and run.sh, just import my improved ones.

Headless Setup

In the video he shows changing the names of alot of data files such as map-gen-settings.example.json into map-gen-settings.json. Do this as well because those are the names my scripts use.

I recommend setting this up after you already know bin/64/factorio is working and is on the port you want.

Steps to Use

Install the headless version of factorio on the website

Import all my files into your headless factorio folder

You will need to make make run.sh, stop.sh, and log_file_parser.py executable and own the entire server folder:

sudo chown (factorio server folder)
chmod +x ./log_file_parser
chmod +x ./stop.sh
chmod +x ./run.sh
chmod +x ./new_map.sh

In order to make yourself admin you will have to add your name to the server-adminlist.json file.

When factorio updates you will need to install headless server again just install it in the same folder and let it overwrite the files.


This server manager is intended for final use in a EC2 image and I want to make it easy to install, right now it is not easy to install
