Link to the backend repo
Link to the frontend deployed site
Link to the backend deployed site
Used technologies
Design tools
- ERD design tool: sqlDBM
Backend technologies
- Programming language: Java 11
- IDE: Eclipse EnterPrise
- Platform: Spring Boot
- Security: Authentication: JWT Authorization: Spring Security
- Build automation tool: Maven
- Relational DataBase design tool: MySQL Workbench
- Server: Apache Tomcat
Frontend technologies
- Package manager: npm
- Ajax technology: Axios
- UI library: React
- React libraries:
- Styled components:
- Smart Payment Buttons V2:
- React Router:
- React Bootstrap:
Unsolved problems
- Diplay order details including the ordered products and their quantities
- Notify the seller of a new order made to one of (his/her) products
- Upload images of products
User stories
- As a (Customer/Shop owner) I want to sign in/up
- As a (Customer/Shop owner) I want to (create/edit) a Profile
- As a (Customer/Shop owner) I want to view multiple Products
- As a (Customer/Shop owner) I want to add (multiple/single) Product(s) to the Cart
- As a (Customer/Shop owner) I want to remove (multiple/single) Product(s) from the Cart
- As a (Customer/Shop owner) I want to clear the Cart
- As a (Customer/Shop owner) I want to checkout
- As a (Customer/Shop owner) I want to view (multiple/single) Order(s)
- As a (Shop owner) I want to (create/edit/delete) a Shop
- As a (Shop owner) I want to (create/edit/delete) a Product
Home page
Log in
Edit profile
Add shop
Add a product to the cart
Change prduct's quantity in the cart and remove a product from the cart
Clear the cart
Checkout with PayPal
Home page
Check the confirmed order
Installation instructions
Clone the repo
git clone
cd to the folder
in the terminal run
npm install
npm start