
Category that makes it super easy to add a parallax effect to your UIScrollView/UITableView

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


This category makes it super easy to add a parallax header view to your scroll views. Other alternatives relies on subclassing of UIScrollView, UITableViewController or UITableView. Instead APParallaxHeader uses the Objective-C runtime to add the two following methods to UIScrollView without the need to do any subclassing.

- (void)addParallaxWithImage:(UIImage *)image andHeight:(CGFloat)height andShadow:(BOOL)shadow;
- (void)addParallaxWithImage:(UIImage *)image andHeight:(CGFloat)height;
- (void)addParallaxWithView:(UIView*)view andHeight:(CGFloat)height;




From CocoaPods

Add pod 'APParallaxHeader' to your Podfile (or pod 'APParallaxHeader', :head if you're feeling adventurous, and want to live on the edge).


Important note if your project doesn't use ARC: you must add the -fobjc-arc compiler flag to UIScrollView+ APParallaxHeader.m in Target Settings > Build Phases > Compile Sources.

  • Drag the APParallaxHeader/APParallaxHeader folder into your project.
  • #import UIScrollView+APParallaxHeader.h wherever you feel the need.


(see sample Xcode project in /Demo)

Adding Parallax image

[tableView addParallaxWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"ImageName"] andHeight:160];

Adding Parallax custom view

Note: When adding a custom view. Either use APParallaxViewDelegate, auto layout constraints or contentMode to resize your custom view during scrolling.

UIView *customView = [[UIView alloc] init];
[customView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 160)];
[self.tableView addParallaxWithView:customView andHeight:160];

[self.tableView.parallaxView setDelegate:self];


APParallaxViewDelegate will notify the delegate about resizing of the parallax view.


  • - (void)parallaxView:(APParallaxView *)view willChangeFrame:(CGRect)frame
  • - (void)parallaxView:(APParallaxView *)view didChangeFrame:(CGRect)frame


  • Ability to customize the drop shadow size, opacity, color etc.
  • Setting a minimum height
  • Setting contentMode of the imageView

Known issues

  • Section headers for tableviews with style UITableViewStylePlain will not be pinned as expected during scrolling.



  • Re-added/fixed optional shadow implementation


  • Added delegate callbacks for APParallaxView resizes (APParallaxViewDelegate).


  • Ability to inititate with or without an inner shadow.
  • Ability to set a custom view as a parallax view.


  • Added an inner shadow


  • Initial release


APParallaxHeader is brought to you by Mathias Amnell at Apping AB. The code is inspired by Sam Vermette's work with SVPullToRefresh (especially the usage of objc/runtime.h to make it so easy to implement, without the need of subclassing).


APParallaxHeader is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.