
Setting up a vagrant box with Puppet, letting Apache & MySQL run in Docker containers

Primary LanguageRuby


Setting up a vagrant box with Puppet, letting Apache & MySQL run in Docker containers

Vagrant, Puppet & Hiera

This application should run after just executing vagrant up. The Vagrantfile contains the basic set-up for the vagrant image, which downloads and sets up the image, and then uses the Puppet provisioner to recognize the file-structure.

When Vagrant starts up, the folder it starts from will be a shared folder between the host and the guest OS, and will be located in /vagrant/ on the Guest OS. If you want to get in to the guest, you simply type vagrant ssh to drop into a shell.

Because Vagrant insisted on using an older version of Puppet, we also have a bashscript to fix the provisioner before it's run -- that's what the upgrade-puppet.sh script does.

When the set-up is done, it executes the only "global" Puppet manifest found in manifests/default.pp which sets up some users, zsh shells, vim, and docker.


After docker has been set up, it should proceed with building the docker applications -- and these are found in the docker directory.

These directories contain a directory structure like so:

  • hieradata: Contains hiera configuration files to set up each database, vhost, user etc - to add or change, just edit these files!
  • hiera.yaml: Specifies where Hiera will look for data files and in what order
  • init.pp: The manifest file to be executed after Docker has spawned a container and installed Puppet modules
  • Puppetfile: Specifies which puppet modules will be needed inside this Docker container
  • Dockerfile: Specifies which commands to run, and files to copy into the Docker container

Puppet inside Docker

As soon as Docker has spawned a container, it will copy files into it. These files are located in each docker-folder. init.pp will become /etc/puppet/manifests/default.pp after a container is spawned, files have been copied, essential packages and puppet modules have been installed, this file will be executed.


When Puppet runs within a Docker-container to set up databases or vhosts, it will look for data in the Hiera-files. Basically, Hiera will load these files as a hash, and create them as Puppet resources. For example, vhosts are created by loading all apache::vhosts objects and turning them into resources with Puppet.

Therefore, to add, or change, any of these - just update the .yaml files!