
Puppet manifests + bash script to allow for interactive creation and removal of users, sites, databases, etc

Primary LanguageRuby

(Interactive) Puppet Configuration

I just needed a way to set up my server without storing passwords in clear text. These manifests are based on templates generated using temporary Facts exported when running the setup.sh script.



  • Create a User
    • Export variables for user passwords (temporary)
    • Install vim, git, oh-my-zsh
    • Creates a manifest file for the user (will request new password next time it's applied)
    • Optionally create a Rails app or Wordpress app and link to home directory of user
  • Create a Rails app
    • Creates postgresql database
    • Creates a new app or downloads source from GitHub if provided
    • Creates a Rails app and optionally links it to a user
    • Creates new secrets.yml and inserts database.yml with new values
    • Sets up nginx web server, rails served by puma
    • Saves as new manifest file in 01-databases and 02-sites
  • Create a Wordpress app
    • Creates a mariadb database
    • Installs Wordpress or downloads source from GitHub if provided
    • Sets up nginx site
    • Creates new wp-config.php with updated values
    • Saves as new manifest file in 01-databases and 02-sites
  • Apply all existing manifests
  • Apply saved databases only
  • Apply saved sites only
  • Apply system configuration only


  • Add scripts for Arch machines (laptop/desktop)
  • Add scripts to remove user / site / database (create manifest and apply, remove again)
  • Automagically create manifests to roll back changes
  • Prepend dates to filename and allow user to roll back to earlier dates
  • Finish Open Monitoring Distribution configuration
  • Include Jenkins and add jobs to continuously update sites cloned from git repositories
  • Add command-line arguments:
    • setup.sh rails new username/application_name [/path] --db="name" --dbuser="user" --dbpassword="password"
    • setup.sh rails new application_name [/path/] --user="username" --db="name" --dbuser="user" --dbpassword="password"
    • setup.sh rails destroy application_name [/path/]
    • setup.sh rails destroy username/application_name
    • setup.sh wordpress new username/application_name [/path/] --db="name" --dbuser="user" --dbpassword="password"
    • setup.sh wordpress new application_name [/path/] --user="username" --db="name" --dbuser="user" --dbpassword="password"
    • setup.sh wordpress destroy username/application_name [/path/]
    • setup.sh wordpress destroy application_name [/path/]
    • setup.sh user new username --wordpress="app_name" --db="name" --dbuser="user" --dbpassword="password"
    • setup.sh user new username --rails="app_name" --db="name" --dbuser="user" --dbpassword="password"
    • setup.sh user new username --wordpress
    • setup.sh user new username --rails
    • setup.sh user destroy username
    • setup.sh user destroy username --truncate (delete all sites and databases -- clean user account)
    • setup.sh postgresql new database_user/database_name
    • setup.sh postgresql destroy database_user/database_name