PClub Secy Task 7 - Clickbait Generator

The task to create a clickbait generator model is accomplished by using PyTorch library. I have used a LSTM followed by a hidden layer with ReLU activation function. The trained model is saved to be used for querying later. Flask is used to host the model locally on a website with a very basic UI, with a single button and textbox to show the results.

Many different modifications were tried to improve the model's predictions like -

  • modifying learning rate and number of epochs to prevent overfitting
  • training the model only on a fraction of the given dataset, which improved the predictions quite significantly
  • changing the length of the sequence used for training the LSTM
  • varying number of stacking in LSTM layers

The generated clickbait statements are not very sensible, but this is what I could manage in a short time frame.







Code Explanation

model.py contains the code for the LSTM model class.

dataset.py is used to read the data from csv file and convert it to torch.utils.data.Dataset object. The __get_item__ method is used to generate (input, target) pairs for the model training, eg- input is "the car crashed into", target is "crashed into the truck".

train.py is used to train the model in a mini-batch gradient descent and using Adam optimizer, with cross entropy loss. The model is then saved to the disk for later use by the API

app.py contains 2 pieces of code - first to create a basic flask application which handles the POST request on the HTML website hosted locally. When it receives a post request, it generates a random clickbait title using the generate function defined.



