This repository includes all the solved interview preparation questions for Amazon SDE role. I'll be solving 2-3 problems daily. So stay 👀
Amazon SDE Test Series consists of practice questions for the following topics:
- Arrays
- Searching
- Sorting
- Matrix
- Hashing
- String
- Linked List
- Stack
- Queue
- Trees
- Binary Search 🌲
- Heap
- Graph
- Backtracking
- Dynamic Programming
To visualize data structures use VisuAlgo
Here's the guide for problem constraints:
** The above table is an excerpt from the ACM ICPC World Finalist 2011. The original blog post can be found here
P.S: Practicing all these problems doesn't guarantee you a job at Amazon. It all depends on your thought-process, luck and hard-work. Take these problems as a reference to build your problem solving skills.