Lets Make it Real
Problems It Solves
In this pandemic, E-learning has proved a new and efficient method. For the past year, students stuck in their homes have attended numerous online classes. But these online classes are monotonous and concepts taught are not retained in their minds. The situation becomes worse when the subjects are practically based. Because of this, the actual visualization is crucial in subjects such as Aerospace, Biology, and many more. With this application, we focus on solving this problem. It utilizes 3D, Augmented reality to give real-life simulations or feels of various models and make the learning process more impactful and fascinating. With an interactive live feature, students can ask the teacher their doubts instantly and also discuss.
Live demo
The site is deployed throught Vercel, which you can view from here
Checkout the ppt from here
Demo video
Checkout the complete demo video from here
🚀 Main Features
- Interactive 3D Models
- Click on the Perseverance Rover and get information about different parts
- Learn with Augmented Reality
- Chatbot Assistant
💻 Tech Stack
- SAWO Labs
- React Js
- Node Js
- Express Js
- Socket IO
- React-three-fiber
- echoAR
- Tailwind CSS & CSS
🤝 Credits
- Passwordless Authentication:
- AR: echoAR
- 3D Models:
Required to install and run the software:
Installing and Running
From the project folder, run these commands in console (terminal) to install dependencies and run the app:
npm install
npm start
🖼️ Some glimps of the site
Login page Home page Medical Classroom Areospace Classroom AR in action Explore more Chatroom