Email-Scheduler-Backend API
GET : /api/received-emails - Get all emails received by user, ie, Inbox
GET : /api/sent-emails - Get all email sent by user, ie, Outbox
GET : /api/scheduled-emails - Get all emails scheduled for future for not send to receiver yet
POST : /api/send-email - Sends a email. Required subject,body,receivers,scheduleType and scheduleDate in request body
A cron job runs after each 30s, which check if the scheduled mail time is less than current time, if it is, then it add the mail to receiver's receivedEmails and sender's sentEmails and create new Mail scheduled for future.
Requirements for starting the project
.env file
- PORT=port no
- MONGODB_USER=mongo_user_name
- MONGODB_PASSWORD=your_mongo_db_password
Also a serviceAccountKey.json file is setup in firebase folder, which provides authentication to users.
For starting the project,
- npm install
- npm start