
Exploring usage possibilities of noSql databases like MongoDB


Exploring usage possibilities of noSql databases like MongoDB

Advantages of Document databases

  • no predefine schema
  • flexible
  • avoiding complicated migrations in case of any change
  • intuitive, natural way to work with - JSON files are human readable
  • maps through objects - less codingm simpler, fast
  • storing objects as documents are created
  • scalable by sharding technique. Horizontal scalability


  • more awareness on the data, checking twice before pkacing in the document
  • redundant data - duplications, to optimize queries - odify the name (rmember to change everywhere)

When to use them

  • transactions, security controls, query engines.
  • e-commerce web sites whicha re storing catalogs of their product information - thanks to polymorfic feature- different traits compare to other products. Moreover we one may embedded related addituional inforrmations. All of them would be retrieved with a single query
  • event logging - user logging in, purchase, errors. Sharded. Sharding technique by: time, type of evenr.
  • Storing user profiles- which may vary over time (comments...)
  • real time analytics - page views, unique visitors...

They are not suitable for

  • if we already have structured data,
  • when we want our data to be always consistent- document databases are not consistent. They change dynamically.

MQL Mongo DB Query Language

  • index on any field type
  • offers ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)
  • can JOIN queries


  • horizontal scaling
  • replication, up to 50 data copies available
db.users.find({"address.zipcode": "10245"})

Some advantages in replacing other DB (e.g. Oracle) with MongoDB

  • improvement of the performance
  • horizontal scaling
  • flexible schema means quicker development (implementing tags, comments)
  • new query patterns
  • costs reduction


  • Mongo DB Atlas - Cloud
  • MongoDB Enterprise Advanced
  • MongoDB Charts- Data Visualisation
  • Realm Mobile Database

Column family databases queries - Google BigTable data storage system

Also known as a wide column database. For dealing with a large volume of data.

Data storing in column families, that group together frequently accessed and related data.


Column family is like a table in relational SQL database


  • cassandra
  • Apache Hbase
  • accumulo