
Implementation of Glibc and Thread Caching Memory Allocator

Primary LanguagePython

Project Partners: Rahul and Tao He

Need to complete TCMalloc Implementation. Please find the report on benchmarking as Report.pdf

In order to perform benchmarking please download the corresponding libraries.
You will need google's TCMalloc and Lockless Allocators llalloc. 

//Here is the link where Creators of Lockless Allocator cited our paper : http://locklessinc.com/whatsnew.shtml

myTCMalloc implementainon
(1) page_map.hpp -- a class which maps from 64-bit page#(4K page, 2^52 of them) to a pointer(void*) that
    contains information about that page.
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(2) mem-test classes are in files: "memtest_binsmgr.*"
    test cases and benchmarks is in "memalloc_benchmark.cpp"
    To run test, eg:
    ./build/debug/memalloc_benchmark_llalloc   #OF_Threads
    ----- 4/23/2012 15:48 PM