
An English Checkers Engine

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Work in progress

Recently, I started learning some artificial intelligence. I learnt about games and adversarial search and decided to put what I have learnt to practice to get a better understanding of all the concepts. Initially, I built a simple console text-based TIC-TAC-TOE AI which was a success. I decided to do something more complex and that's what gave birth to this project.

I decided to implement the most popular English checkers because I felt it was going to be easier because of its constraints. This is a snapshot of my progress so far:
Checkers snapshot

So far I have been able to implemented a basic checkers engine. Red plays first. To be honest, before I started I thought it was going to be straight forward and simple but I got disappointed because it really wasn't. The process has been fun so far and I've learnt a lot from just what I have been able to build.


  • Forced Captures
  • Start building the AI
  • Clean up the code
  • Show feedback to enhance user experience

Visit https://amosaidoo.com/checkers/ to view the project.