Printf project

. This project is about building a custom printf function in c programming language. This project was done in fulfillment of the course requirement of ALX Software Engineering course objective. This project was done collaboratively by AmosLucky and Stanley-moses.


[./0-character_operations.c](./0-character_operations.c) - Contains print_c and print_s function used to print char and string respectively.


[./1-number_operations.c](./1-number_operations.c) - Contains print_i and print_d functions used to print integers and doubles respectively.


[./_putchar.c](./_putchar.c) - Contains int _putchar(char c) function that does the actual printing in standard output.


[./get_func.c](./get_func.c) - Contains structural array of all functions to be called.


[./.gitignore](./.gitignore) - Ignores *.out extension files and main.c.


[./3-binary.c](./3-binary.c) - Contains function that prints binary.


[./_printf.c](./_printf.c) - Contains function that actually call other functions to print in the console depending on the specifiers.