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An online open source formation platform (MOOC-like) for Junior-Enterprises.

Frontend : Angular 4 (Typescript/Javascript framework)

Backend : Symfony 2 (PHP framework)


This project is splitted into two repositories (Frontend and Backend) :

  • The repo ShareticCLIENT contains the source code of the Angular application.
  • This repo (ShareticREST) contains the source code of the Symfony application (as a RESTful API).

They can be deployed on two different servers, just edit the config files if needed.

ETIC INSA Technologies

This project is initiated by the Computer and Information Systems team of INSA Lyon's Junior-Enterprise.

Contributors & Junior-Entreprises


  • Jindun Shao (Project Manager) - ETIC INSA Technologies
  • Vincent RedoutĂ© (Head Frontend Dev) - ETIC INSA Technologies
  • Alexandre Simon (Frontend Dev) - ETIC INSA Technologies
  • Christophe Etienne (Frontend Dev) - ETIC INSA Technologies
  • Alexandre van Beurden (Head Backend Dev) - ETIC INSA Technologies
  • Youssef Oudghiri (Backend Dev) - ETIC INSA Technologies


Marc Fallouh, Sacha Barkat, Jindun Shao, Anis Hamroun, Justin Gally - ETIC INSA Technologies

Get started

First step


$ npm install -g @angular/cli
  • Open a terminale in the folder formationCLIENT
  • Install all frontend packages with npm :
$ npm install
  • Serve the application
$ ng serve --open

It will launch the server, watch your files, and rebuild the app as you make changes to those files.


  • Install Composer
  • Install PHP 7
  • Install a MySQL/MariaDB server and launch it
  • Open a terminale in the folder shareticREST
  • Install all the dependencies by running the following Composer command:
$ composer install
  • If everything went fine you can now start the application:
$ php app/console server:run

To finish

Please write all your code and comments in english !