
toto list API build using SpringBoot (Maven)

Primary LanguageJava


A todo list API built using SpringBoot (Maven). The app allows the registerd user to create and mange tasks easilu byoffering basic CRUD opreations. The todo app is implemented using the in memory H2 databse that is accessed via JDBC. The exposed swagger documented RESTFUL API endpoinds can be accsessed vis the link "http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/" when the app is upp and running.

Build and Run.

The app containerized image of the app is availble on DockerHub, to run the app locally:

  • $ docker run -p 8080:8080 amotsie/spring-todolist
  • the app should run on http://localhost:8080/ with all the dependcies installed.



( long id, String username, String email, String password)


( long id, String description, Boolean complete, long userid FK)

REST Endpoints Overview


Request Mapping Type Description Return
/api/users/register POST Registers/create a new user A Jason Web Token
/api/users/login POST Registers/create a new user A JWT


Request Mapping Type Description Return
/api/todos GET Retrives a list of all the tasks of the current logged in user A JSON list of tasks
/api/todos POST Creates and stored a task of the current in user JSON of a newly created task
/api/todos/{taskid} GET Retrieves the task with the given ID single result JSON task of the mentioned ID
/api/todos/{taskid} PUT Updates the task with the given ID Success or fail string message
/api/todos/{taskid} Delete Deletes the task with the given ID Success or fail string message

Testing using Postman

The routes of the Todos/Tasks are protected and therefore the JWT should always be included as Authorization Bearer in the header.


The following users are pre-build in the database for testing purposes.

Sample request and response



It has been an amazing challenge and struggles for me to try and fit the given tech stack into this application. Althought the final product doesnt contain Mockito test cases and Couchbase databse, during the course of the task I tried them plenty, even if at the end I couldnt get them to function as I want in the project. I also used Spring Data JPA but because of time I dropped it as it was giving me nested exception errors towards the end.
I have have built a frontend React todo list previously https://r3act-t4sk-li5t.netlify.app and therefore for this task I put a lot of effort into trying out other stuff that I dont know, I even used Docker for the first time on this task.😀