


sha256(string) string

  • Returns the SHA-256 hash of the input string.

sha1(string) string

  • Returns the SHA-1 hash of the input string.

sha512(string) string

  • Returns the SHA-512 hash of the input string.

base64(string) string

  • Encodes the input string to Base64.

base32(string) string

  • Encodes the input string to Base32.

md5(string) string

  • Returns the MD5 hash of the input string.


online() int

  • Returns the number of users online.

myrunning() int

  • Returns the number of your running processes.

slaves(string) int

  • Returns the number of slave processes for a given string.


gradient(string, int...) string

  • Gradient the given string with integer values and returns a resulting string.

gif(string, int) string

  • Takes a pathway to a GIF file, resizes and displays the frames of the GIF in the terminal, and repeats the process for a specified number of loops.

img(string, int) void

  • Takes an image file path as an argument, resizes the image to 80x24 pixels, converts it to colored ANSI, and writes the ANSI output to a writer.


telegram(string, string) bool

  • Sends a message to a Telegram chat using the Telegram API. Requires the message and chat ID as parameters. Returns true if the message is sent successfully, otherwise false.

discord(string, string) bool

  • Sends a log message to a Discord webhook with the specified message and webhook URL. Returns true if the message is sent successfully, otherwise false.


padRight(string, int) string

  • Pads the input string on the right with spaces or zeros to a specified length.

padLeft(string, int) string

  • Pads the input string on the left with spaces or zeros to a specified length.

padcustomRight(string, int, string) string

  • Pads the input string on the right with a custom character to a specified length.

padcustomLeft(string, int, string) string

  • Pads the input string on the left with a custom character to a specified length.


format(string) string

  • Formats the given string as a time or date.

unix() int

  • Returns the current Unix timestamp.

expirySeconds() int

  • Returns the number of seconds until an expiry date.

expiryHours() int

  • Returns the number of hours until an expiry date.

expiryDays() int

  • Returns the number of days until an expiry date.


length() int

  • Returns the user's length.

height() int

  • Returns the user's height.

ip() string

  • Returns the user's IP address.

username() string

  • Returns the user's username.

id() int

  • Returns the user's ID.

maxtime() int

  • Returns the user's maximum time limit.

cooldown() int

  • Returns the user's cooldown time.

concurrents() int

  • Returns the number of concurrent sessions for the user.

maxsessions() int

  • Returns the user's maximum allowed sessions.

opensessions() int

  • Returns the number of currently open sessions.

theme() string

  • Returns the user's theme.

CanAccess(string) bool

  • Checks if the user can access a specific resource or feature.



  • Clears the console or terminal screen.


  • Prints one or more objects to the console.


  • Includes and executes an external itl file.

len(string) int

  • Returns the length of the input string.


  • Pauses the program's execution for the specified number of seconds.

cnc() string

  • Returns information about the CNC (Command and Control) server.

version() string

  • Returns the version of Sentinel.

attackprefix() string

  • Returns the attack prefix or identifier.

spinner(string, bool) string

  • Displays a spinner with the given message and an optional status indicator.

New Functions

shake() void

  • Shakes the terminal screen.

header(string, string, string) string

  • Centers the text, sets the background to the specified RGB color, and sets the text color to the specified RGB color.

ipinfo(string) string

  • Retrieves and displays information about the specified IP address. You can use {{lasttarget}} to get the last target's IP address.

table(string, string...) string

  • Displays a table with the specified headers and rows. first string is the table header, and the second string is the table rows. 3rd string is the table header. and so on.