A mixin for extending ampersand-collection with restful methods.
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Possible issues after switching to sync@4.0
#31 opened by naugtur - 4
polymorphic models can't be fetched by id
#14 opened by bernharduw - 5
Add method to sync "dirty" models?
#26 opened by bryanspears - 4
- 0
Adopt ampersand-sync v4.0
#27 opened by naugtur - 6
Accepting a transform
#24 opened by lifehackett - 21
models with url in props causes error
#3 opened by webmasterkai - 2
getOrFetch() doesn't use data parameter
#15 opened by 17h13 - 2
Undo hack job to override xhr in tests
#9 opened by lukekarrys - 1
Needs a better readme.
#2 opened by latentflip - 1
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Needs tests.
#1 opened by latentflip