A smart base view for Backbone apps, to make it easy to bind collections and properties to the DOM.
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#200 opened by RickButler - 1
NPM Audit
#201 opened by RickButler - 6
Looking to become maintainer
#198 opened by RickButler - 0
- 0
Enchancement bubble subview events
#196 opened by RickButler - 4
Possible bug with the auto-generated prepareView() ?
#194 opened by claydodo - 0
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Enhance docu about _upsertBindings()
#180 opened by DoomyTheFroomy - 4
reset() throwing errors since I build from ES6
#164 opened by jrmyio - 1
Release ampersand-*-view
#168 opened by yamsellem - 11
Make bindings extensible
#178 opened by RickButler - 1
Release new version
#176 opened by lukekarrys - 5
- 6
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Extending multiple classes
#131 opened by herkyl - 8
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deep nested subviews issue of re-rendering
#145 opened by orenmizr - 3
Possible fix to template engines that attempt to copy the getter-laden context from going crazy
#147 opened by dschissler - 1
Using deprecated version of ampersand-state
#155 opened by timwis - 6
get-object-path issues + proposal
#157 opened by dhritzkiv - 6
The ability to extend the declarative style of the subviews is very limited
#150 opened by dschissler - 2
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unexpected that `remove` also modifies bindings
#105 opened by ahdinosaur - 5
autoRender:true does not fire change:rendered event
#112 opened by gdibble - 2
Namespace collision warnings
#96 opened by wraithgar - 8
wait for sync when collection model is destroyed
#143 opened by tnguyen14 - 1
Why is parent not of type "state" by default?
#140 opened by wherget - 1
Is there any documentation for how to wire up Ampersand views to work with Marionette?
#121 opened by dschissler - 6
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"remove" event triggered prematurely
#139 opened by dhritzkiv - 9
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Not compatible with IE9 due to domify using innerHTML property on html objects.
#135 opened by countzero - 6
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Subview "container" vs "selector" option
#114 opened by dhritzkiv - 5
View initialization, and viewoptions
#102 opened by brunoscopelliti - 2
How to use ampersand with reactjs?
#117 opened by sisardor - 2
switch binding breaks if case-key includes space
#101 opened by gdibble - 6
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ampersand-view is not testable without browserify
#118 opened by mcous - 0
Align subviews life-cycle with parent view
#113 opened by cquinders - 1
Porting `underscore` utils to `amp`
#93 opened by jvduf - 1
cacheElements with queryAll
#107 opened by vwasteels - 3
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