
A level editor for Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.

Primary LanguageJava

Java CI Issues Pull Requests


Whitehole is a level editor for Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.
All downloads can be found on the release page.

Updating Java

With this new Whitehole version, Java requires an update.

How to update Java:

  • On Linux, install jre-openjdk-headless

  • On Windows, use a browser to navigate to https://adoptium.net/ and download the executable. Make sure you selected Java 17 (or whatever the latest version is). You can leave the default options for the installer, but make sure "set JAVA_HOME" is selected and proceed with the install. If Java apps stop opening, you may need to restart your computer to apply the registry changes.


If Galaxies do not open, try this command: java --add-exports java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.desktop/sun.java2d=ALL-UNNAMED -jar Whitehole.jar

If Galaxies continue to not open, I have no idea ask TheSunCat or Lord-Gigantucus.



  • TheSunCat#1007
  • IonicPixels#3139
  • Lord-Giganticus#7111



Pan Camera: Left-mouse drag or arrow keys/numpad
Rotate Camera: Right-mouse drag
Zoom: Mousewheel or PageUp/Down or Numpad 3/9
Select Object: Left click, hold Ctrl or Shift to select multiple
Move Object: Drag left click on selected object(s)
or: P + Arrow keys/Numpad
or: press G and move the mouse

Rotate Object: R + Arrow keys/Numpad
or: press R and move the mouse

Scale Object: S + Arrow keys/Numpad
or: press S and move the mouse

Delete Object: Delete
Copy Selelction: Ctrl + C
Paste Selection: Ctrl + V
Undo: Ctrl-Z
Redo: Ctrl-Y
Screenshot: Ctrl + Shift + C


Version 1.7


  • Some area colors have been changed
  • "MessageID.tbl" option added in The BCSV Editor, done by Evanbowl
  • More BSCV stuff
  • Use proper Shaders


  • Dark Mode broke in the Galaxy Editor and BCSV Editor
  • Little Endian mode does not work (forced off)

Bug Fixes:

  • Title bar now shows "Whitehole v1.7" rather than "Whitehole"
  • "CollisionArea" is now a cube, as it should be
  • CloudSky Skybox issues no longer exist

Version 1.5.5


  • Work in progress Obj importer
  • Work in progress Keybinds customizer
  • Work in progress Riivolution-like mod opener: Open a mod on top of the vanilla game files.

Bug Fixes:

  • N/A

Version 1.5.4

Now introducing exciting features like... an improved PowerStarLight renderer... and... copy and paste!

Key new features:

  • Select a mod folder to save any modified files to
  • Remap main editor keybinds in the Settings menu
  • RARC file association and editor
  • A visual MSBT editor
  • An MSBF editor (will be updated once the format is properly documented)
  • A camera generator, directly integrated with the level editor (creates CAM_TYPE_XZ_PARA)
  • A camera previewer
  • Copy-and-paste objects at will
  • Undo and redo changes
  • Up to 3x faster load times
  • Many productivity changes, including blender-like shortcuts for common actions
  • Discord Rich Presence
  • Anti-aliasing
  • Screenshot the current view at the press of a button
  • A TransparentWall10x10 and 10x20 renderer
  • Better power star rendering
  • Added openGL compatibility checks to ensure support for older video cards (requires it to be on in the settings)
  • Made a ton of productivity changes to allow more control with the keyboard (ex: pressing enter when typing a path in the BCSV editor to open it)
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

Unfinished or semi-implemented features

  • A visual CANM (intro cutscene) editor


  • Fixed objects that are in rotated zones not moving in the correct direction when dragged
  • Fixed the Map corrupting if cancel is pressed when asked to save changes
  • Fixed whitehole not rendering some custom models that will still work ingame
  • Fixed general saving bugs and added a handler for failed saving (thanks shibbo!)
  • Made all error messages clearer and handled better (and with punctuation!!)