
Edits: Authenticate : Mini-Reddit Project\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate.php

At facing some seeder doesn't exist, run command: composer dump-autoload

To Run Tests: composer test

Coding Style

camelCase => Variables StudlyCaps => Objects

After Cloning

  1. Run : Composer install
  2. Run : copy .env.example .env
  3. Run : php artisan key:generate
  4. Configure your .env file for database
  5. Run : php artisan jwt:secret
  6. Create a database with data you configured in .env
  7. Run : php artisan migrate:fresh
  8. Run : php artisan db:seed

                      "function documentation"

@@@configuration:( done in the latest version )

  1. composer require --dev victorjonsson/markdowndocs

This will add victorjonsson/markdowndocs to the require-dev section of your project's composer.json file. The phpdoc-md executable will automatically be copied to your project's vendor/bin directory.

@@@Generating docs

in our project Run this command

.\vendor\bin\phpdoc-md --ignore=Console,Exceptions,Http,Providers generate app > public\FunctionalDocumentation\

//this command is for Generating docs for all classes in a source directory (our directory is "app" which includes all model classes) and send output to the file (ingnoring any extra files in the directory )

note:(ignore Http , Exceptions , Providers , Console files as we do not need to generate function doc for their classes ) is markdown file so to perview it do the follwoing steps...

1)install the package "atom-markdown-auto-preview" on atom.. 2)from the settings of this package activate "Observe Opens" option. 3)go and open the file "" with atom (the function doc will appear automatically )