Neighborhood Map (React)

a single page application featuring a map of Alexandria neighborhood . this map including highlighted locations, third-party data from wikipedia API about those locations and various ways to browse the content.

see the demo at


  1. download the files ,Click "Clone in Desktop" / "Download ZIP".
  2. extract the files.
  3. Change to root directory.
  4. Install dependencies: npm install.
  5. Start the app: npm start(will open the browser on http://localhost:3000). notice : the service worker will only cache the app when production mode running.


should be internet connection to load Google Map API and information about the places from wikipedia Api.

Production Mode

to run the app in production mode open command window at the root directory ,then type npm run build

Wikipedia API

wikipedia api used in the app to get information a history of the place .

Google Maps API

google maps api used in the app to load the Map and markers on places.