Project inspect

in this project we are supposed to work with the indexing structre and the insertion of the values of the index into a hashing structre using differnt methods: open addressing, chanining, extendable hashing and multiplehahsing

Prerequest to run

  • just having gcc,g++ or clang to run the proejct
  • having make installed in your machine

Clone the proejct

  • you can clone the project locally to run it
git clone

in the directory named code you will find 2 Labs

Run the prog

  • Lab01 inside this lab we will have a MakeFile with two runs

Run Open Addressing

make run2

Run MultiHashing

make run2 1

Run Chanining function

make run1


  • pls use make clean after any run

Lab02(Extendable Hahsing)

  • running the file is much easier
make runn