Yassir Task Challenge

This project is built using the NestJS framework (NestJS).

Accessing Endpoints

For access to the endpoints and various examples, refer to the Postman collection. This collection provides detailed examples and access to different endpoints.

Getting Started


Before running the project, ensure Node.js is installed. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required environment variables with their corresponding values.

Running with Docker

docker-compose up --build

Installation and Running Locally

To set up the project locally, install the required dependencies using npm:

npm install -g @nestjs/cli
npm install

Running the Project

Development Mode

To run the project in development mode:

npm run start:dev

Watch Mode

For watch mode:

npm run start:watch

Production Mode

To run the project in production mode:

npm run start:prod

Additional Features


A cronjob is set to execute automatically every minute while the app is running.


To perform unit and integration testing:

npm run test