
Demo of ApiRTC with react-native

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo for usage of apiRTC.js with React Native.

ApiRTC is full WebRTC API SDK provided by Apizee: https://apirtc.com/

This demo is also using react-native-webrtc: https://github.com/react-native-webrtc/react-native-webrtc



  • install Xcode and command line tools
  • run pod update from ios folder
  • run npx react-native run-ios or run project from Xcode workspace


  • run react-native run-android or run project from Android Studio


Use demo P2P call page as client on other side: https://dev.apirtc.com/demo/peertopeer_call/index.html

ApiRTC key

For this demo we use the ApiKey "myDemoApiKey". Please register on our website to get your private ApiKey


  • This demo is compatible with ReactNative 0.61+, iOS 12+ & Android 10+

Feature restrictions

  • Only video calls are supported in this version.