Disclaimer: we are not officially affilated with the Fawry company.
A plug-and-play library that makes interfacing with Fawry's payment gateway API a breeze:
- Charge customers
- Refund customers
- Get payment status
- Parse Fawry's service callback V2
- Configuration keys as environment variables
Fawry's production and sandbox environments are supported.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fawry'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install fawry
params = { "merchant_code": 'merchant_code',
"merchant_ref_num": 'io5jxf3jp27kfh8m719arcqgw7izo7db',
"customer_profile_id": 'ocvsydvbu2gcp528wvl64i9z5srdalg5',
"customer_mobile": '012345678901',
"payment_method": 'PAYATFAWRY',
"currency_code": 'EGP',
"amount": 20,
"fawry_secure_key": 'fawry_secure_key',
"description": 'the charge request description',
"charge_items": [{ "item_id": 'fk3fn9flk8et9a5t9w3c5h3oc684ivho',
"description": 'desc', "price": 20, "quantity": 1 }] }
# use sandbox option to call Fawry's sandbox env
res = Fawry.charge(params, sandbox: true)
# => #<Fawry::FawryResponse:0x0000564257d0ea90 @type="ChargeResponse", @reference_number="931600239",
# @merchant_ref_number="io5jxf3jp27kfh8m719arcqgw7izo7db",
# @expiration_time=1573153206979, @status_code=200,
# @status_description="Operation done successfully">
res.success? # => true
res.reference_number # => 931600239
params = { "merchant_code": 'merchant_code',
"reference_number": '931337410',
"refund_amount": 20,
"fawry_secure_key": 'fawry_secure_key' }
res = Fawry.refund(params, sandbox: true)
# => #<Fawry::FawryResponse:0x0000564257d0ea90 @type="ResponseDataModel", @status_code=200,
# @status_description="Operation done successfully">
res.success? # => true
params = { "merchant_code": 'merchant_code',
"merchant_ref_number": 'ssshxb98phmyvm434es62kage3nsm2cj',
"fawry_secure_key": 'fawry_secure_key' }
res = Fawry.payment_status(params, sandbox: true)
# => #<Fawry::FawryResponse:0x0000559974056898 @type="PaymentStatusResponse", @reference_number="931922417",
# @merchant_ref_number="ssshxb98phmyvm434es62kage3nsm2cj",
# @expiration_time=1573297736167, @status_code=200,
# @status_description="Operation done successfully", @payment_amount=20,
# @payment_method="PAYATFAWRY", @payment_status="UNPAID">
res.success? # => true
res.payment_status # => UNPAID
# params sent from fawry server
callback_params = { "requestId": 'c72827d084ea4b88949d91dd2db4996e', "fawryRefNumber": '970177',
"merchantRefNumber": '9708f1cea8b5426cb57922df51b7f790',
"customerMobile": '01004545545', "customerMail": 'fawry@fawry.com',
"paymentAmount": 152.00, "orderAmount": 150.00, "fawryFees": 2.00,
"shippingFees": '', "orderStatus": 'NEW', "paymentMethod": 'PAYATFAWRY',
"messageSignature": 'b0175565323e464b01dc9407160368af5568196997fb6e379374a4f4fbbcf587',
"orderExpiryDate": 1_533_554_719_314,
"orderItems": [{ "itemCode": 'e6aacbd5a498487ab1a10ae71061535d', "price": 150.0, "quantity": 1 }] }
# FAWRY_SECURE_KEY env var must be set
fawry_callback = Fawry.parse_callback(callback_params, {})
# <Fawry::FawryCallback:0x000056339ac43730 @request_id="c72827d084ea4b88949d91dd2db4996e", @fawry_ref_number="970177",
# @merchant_ref_number="9708f1cea8b5426cb57922df51b7f790", @customer_mobile="01004545545",
# @customer_mail="fawry@fawry.com", @order_status="NEW", @order_amount=150.0, @fawry_fees=2.0, ...>
fawry_callback.fawry_ref_number # => 970177
fawry_callback.order_status # => NEW
Fawry configuration keys such as merchant code and secure key can be sent with the params (merchant_code
, fawry_secure_key
) to the charge, refund, payment_status methods, or they can be set as environment variables: (FAWRY_MERCHANT_CODE
To parse fawry callback, you must set the env var FAWRY_SECURE_KEY
- Translate README to Arabic
- Add public API documentation to README
- Add option to raise exception on request failure
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/amrrbakry/fawry. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.