Computer And Systems Engineering Departement Student, Alexandria University
Alexandria, Egypt
Pinned Repositories
PintOS is an open source instructional operating system kernel developed by Stanford University. PintOS provides complete documentation & modular projects to introduce students to the major concepts of operating systems development. The components of PintOS project is illustrated in the following figure.
Built GUI board games application using Swing in Scala and functional paradigm, containing six games, Engine is flexible enough to accommodate new games while maintaining a high level of abstraction.
This repository contains implementations and documentation for machine learning algorithms applied to various applications.
Implementation of an Order Management System (OMS) for an e-commerce app. It provides functionalities for managing users, products, carts, and orders.
Implementation of advavanced algorithms and data structures
Implementaion of data structures
console application game using C
Built Gmail-like web application implementing the basic functionalities of a mail server including manipulation of mails, pagination, attachements and contacts, Used appropriate HTTP request types corresponding to the different CRUD operations for sending, retrieving and manipulating emails.
This repository contains an implementation of Huffman's algorithm for compressing and decompressing files
Built web based drawing application using KonvaJs library for drawing shapes, Implemented functionalities as save or load drawings in a file, undo or redo while drawing, selecting and modifying shapes,
AmrAhmed119's Repositories
PintOS is an open source instructional operating system kernel developed by Stanford University. PintOS provides complete documentation & modular projects to introduce students to the major concepts of operating systems development. The components of PintOS project is illustrated in the following figure.
Implementation of advavanced algorithms and data structures
Implementaion of data structures
console application game using C
Built Gmail-like web application implementing the basic functionalities of a mail server including manipulation of mails, pagination, attachements and contacts, Used appropriate HTTP request types corresponding to the different CRUD operations for sending, retrieving and manipulating emails.
Built GUI board games application using Swing in Scala and functional paradigm, containing six games, Engine is flexible enough to accommodate new games while maintaining a high level of abstraction.
This repository contains an implementation of Huffman's algorithm for compressing and decompressing files
This repository contains implementations and documentation for machine learning algorithms applied to various applications.
Implementation of an Order Management System (OMS) for an e-commerce app. It provides functionalities for managing users, products, carts, and orders.
Built web based drawing application using KonvaJs library for drawing shapes, Implemented functionalities as save or load drawings in a file, undo or redo while drawing, selecting and modifying shapes,
Built Web-based queueing simulation program using KonvaJs library, Used multi-threading in Java, OOP principles and design patterns such as observer and snapshot.
GUI game using Swing in Java