Brief description of dataset used

The data set being used for this project is default of credit card clients. The data set was provided by the Department of Information Management, Chung Hua University, Taiwan and Department of Civil Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan. The data contains the information for 30000 instances of the default credit card payment for people in Taiwan. It has many variables which makes the data quite versatile, it has the persons age, education, and marital status also, contains past payment records, amount of bill statement and amount of previous payment. All the data in this set was collected from April to September 2005. The whole reason for the creation of this data set was too see the default payments of customers in Taiwan across six data mining methods. All the data was collected by the credit card companies that the customers were using in Taiwan so, they could create and compare predictive accuracy of probability across six data mining methods.

Directory information

The data directory contains one sub-directory called data.processed and contains the original data for the dataset used in csv file format. The images directory contains PNG files of the visualizations created using this dataset. The Analysis directory contains an Exploratory Data Analysis of the dataset and contains a cleaned and processed version of that dataset in csv file format.

Dashboard link

Online Dashboard can be found here (

Local setup

Go-to the file to see how you can clone the project to your local machine succesfully.


hCheng Yeh, I. (2016, January 26). UCI machine Learning repository: Default of credit card clients data set. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from