
This project/sketch used to point your antenna to geo satellites. ## Components Arduino board (UNO) in my case, Cytron motor driver, Gps neo-6m, mpu9250 (IMU), 2 DC Motors (elevation,azimuth)

Primary LanguageC++

Getting started

This project/sketch used to point your antenna to geo satellites.

1- make sure to calibrate the mpu9250, check https://github.com/jremington/MPU-9250-AHRS/tree/master, start from the instructions file inside docs folder to accurately calibrate your IMU.

2- paste your values obtained from calibration inside the sketch>

3- don't forget to set the magnetic declination relative to your location, 4.76 in case of mine.

4- set the ki,kp,kd parameters for your PID controller for both loops (azimuth,elevation).


Arduino board (UNO) in my case, Cytron motor driver, Gps neo-6m, mpu9250 (IMU), 2 DC Motors (elevation,azimuth)